Monday, April 13, 2015

4 Reasons Your Companies Traditional Marketing Is DEAD

If you are a long time owner of any sort of company, you may wonder why your traditional marketing efforts are not working like they did in the past. With usage of internet and mobile applications on the rise, your customers are not responding to broad advertisements that they hear on TV or radio, or read in newspaper or magazines. Consumers today are more informed and want to be engaged and build a relationship with the brands that they love. There are many reasons for the demise of your companies traditional marketing efforts, here are the Top 5

1. Traditional Marketing is not personalized

Traditional marketing is about producing one advertisement that caters to everyone that it reaches (while spending a ton on $). The content of those ads are NOT personalized and when advertisements come on, people tune out. Traditional marketing does not take into consideration the specific needs and wants of each individual customer. Today, we need to market to each individual separately. When customers are engaged with your company, they leave a trail of clues as to what they are most interested. Companies today should be using all of the information there customers give them and implementing it through individualized content in the form of social media posts, videos, e-mails, articles, etc. The days of guessing what your customers want are over, so why is your company still advertising aimlessly, instead of individualizing you marketing?

2. Traditional Marketing does not promote interaction with customers

In the past, your marketing department would come up with an advertising campaign, roll it out to the public, then sit back and wait for customers to call or come in. With the way buyer behavior has recently change, you simply cannot just sit back and expect customers to come to you without interacting with them. Your customers expect you to be there and expect a quick response when they have questions. Marketing in 2015 is a great way to communicate with your customers and gain insight about your customers. Don’t just sit back and expect this generation of consumers to come running to you.
      3. Your customers have more resources

10 years ago, using traditional marketing tactics, your marketing department played the role of the expert. Due to a lack of information back then, the customer usually took your word because that was all the information they had. But in todays changed marketing environment, consumers can easily gain information about your brand through review sites, social media posts, and blogs. Even better, this content is coming from and unbiased source, their peers. So not only do they read what you have to say about your brand, but also read about that other consumers have to say about your brand.  Taking that into consideration, your company not only need to generate great content, but also need to promote the content that your customers are saying about you and insuring that the customer experience is a great one.

      4. Your traditional marketing is temporary

With traditional marketing, your ads only last as long as you keep paying for them, but the internet has change the lifespan of your marketing to FOREVER. When you use content marketing, whatever you post is a marketing asset that will generate new business FOREVER. I like to think of Traditional marketing as leasing an apartment and content marketing as buying a house. Content marketing is an asset that will last forever. Keeping this in mind, with content marketing, you have to make sure that the message that you are sending is consistent. If your consumer finds a post or article form 2010 and its different from the messaging you are sending in you most recent post or article, your customers will get confused about what your company actually stand for.

Technology has changed the way that your customers shop for products and service. Traditional marketing is dying but your company can use content and context marketing to engage with your customers and create a pleasant buying environment. Worth a try, eh?

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Randy Delling

Social Stride

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