Friday, April 17, 2015

How to: Easily Convert Followers Into Paying Customers

When you first started on social media, you looked to get as many followers as you could. You probably followed everyone back, reached out and engaged.
As your platform and business grows, it’s harder to sell and manage your accounts, but it’s still the simplest and most useful way to grab loyal customers.

Loyal. This is the keyword.

First, think about what makes a relationship loyal, then translate that into your accounts.

Here’s some simple tips:

1.    Communicate and take their advice

It’s great you got followers and did the work it took to get those. But, the more people=more noise. You may get a ton of complaints and suggestions, but don’t overlook them! If suggestions become redundant, fix it and LET THEM KNOW! Tell your followers you heard them and are making changes.
If you get a great idea from one person, give that person a shout out! If you become their internet friend, they will eventually become a loyal paying friend.

2.    Create exclusive deals for followers

Not only does this help track your sales coming from followers, they will feel the URGENCY to buy your product. Constant specials on social media will actually devalue your company, but when used at the correct time for the right length of time, it will create desire.

  1. Coupons and promotions with specific codes
  2. Referral program offers for 
    3. New Customers
  3. Create a #hashtag!

3.    Share Customer Testimonials

Share, share, share! No, also PROMOTE! Nowadays, everyone looks at reviews to decide which restaurant to go to, or brand of vitamin to choose, or any other service they use. Every company should have great customer testimonials highlighted on their sites and updated often!

Another great idea is if you have a blog (if you don’t, go get one!), interview a loyal customer on their experience and your products. Any way you can put a happy face to a happy comment, you’ll generate more happy customers.

As you can see, there are simple steps to amp up your online marketing campaign. I'd love to hear how this article has helped your company! Please comment, shout out, and share :)
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Have an amazing day,
Lana Sache

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